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On Site Loop Interviews

Amazon Interview Process: What to Expect and How to Prepare

On-Site Loop Interviews

After completing an initial screening, Amazon candidates may be invited to an on-site interview process known as the "Loop." The Loop typically consists of a full day of interviews with four to six different interviewers.

STAR Method

Amazon uses the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method for behavioral interviewing questions. Candidates should be prepared to provide specific examples of their work experience that demonstrate their skills and abilities.

Bar Raiser Mechanism

Amazon's rigorous interview process includes a "Bar Raiser" mechanism. Bar Raisers are senior-level employees who evaluate the candidate's performance and provide feedback to the hiring team. Candidates must meet the Bar Raiser's expectations in order to receive a job offer.

Key Points

* Amazon's interview process is rigorous and competitive. * The on-site Loop interviews typically consist of four to six interviews. * Candidates should be prepared to answer behavioral interviewing questions using the STAR method. * The Bar Raiser mechanism is used to ensure that candidates meet the company's high standards.
